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Read MoreLW Eyebrow specializes in semi-permanent makeup for 9 years with a 100% recommendation rate on our Facebook page! Our certified beauticians are skilled in a complete range of advanced techniques include microblading, hairstroke machine, mist brows, combination techniques, and etc.
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LW Eyebrow is your trusted destination for enhancing natural beauty. We are specialise in semi permanent makeup for eyebrow, eyeliner and lips. Our skilled professionals use advanced techniques and high-quality pigments to deliver stunning, natural-looking outcomes, ensuring every client feels confident and radiant.
For those passionate about entering the beauty industry, we also offer comprehensive semi-permanent makeup training courses. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced artist looking to refine your skills, our hands-on courses cover everything you need to excel in eyebrow, eyeliner, and lip embroidery.
Achieve beauty that lasts at LW Eyebrow. Book your appointment or enroll in our courses today!
Experience flawless brows with our safe and hygienic process using one-off needles and natural ingredient pigments. Enjoy natural-looking results with no downtime, lasting up to 1-2 years.
This liner technique is designed to achieve a clean, elegant and effortlessly polished look by enhancing the natural beauty of your eyes.
This technique is designed to transform dark or pale lips into a soft, natural pink tones which specifically tailored to your unique complexion.